Welcome to Cosmetiques Invest, a reliable & convenient way to purchase your dermal fillers.

About Us

Our group was founded in 2000 by a caring and concerned family to meet beauty needs in one place, save customers time and make them feel beautiful and beautiful. At that time, Cosmetiques Invest was the first distribution company to combine a dynamic retail store supply chain, a revolutionary concept in the beauty industry in 2000. The timeless company is constantly reinventing itself and meeting expectations . investment. In 2021, an investment company bought Cosmetiques Invest and proudly took over the brand's intention to focus on what really matters: the customer. Today, Cosmetiques Invest has become a real breeding ground for the beauty supply chain in Europe and around the world. A place where inner beauty is celebrated. A place home to everything hair, makeup, skin and beauty care, plus experienced associates to guide you on your beauty journey. We are more than a sourcing company. We are a family and we treat everyone who walks through our doors as such. Just like a home, we want you to feel special, comfortable, valued, welcomed and understood every time you interact with our company.


Our products are carefully selected from brands and our partners. Our major concern is to ensure and guarantee you quality products at the most attractive price on the market. We have a wide range of products, do not hesitate to ask for our catalog if you cannot find a product on our site because we had not all put them online.